autobiographical game
When I read the prompt for this assignment, I immediately knew that I wanted to do less of a traditional game, and more of a “exhibition about me.” My original idea was to include various avenues that a player could learn about me, all based on my favorite things — for example, a town with a library filled with my favorite books, an art gallery with my favorite art pieces, a garden with my favorite plants, and a planetarium because I like space and constellations.
Due to time constraints, I ended up having to pare down this idea quite a bit, and I decided a living room was a nice way to “step into” a day in my life. From my original idea, I kept the favorite books and art work concepts, and I wanted to give the user a little info blurb about them if they were curious.
This game is meant to just depend on curiosity and exploration, rather than points or winning. If I had more time, I would absolutely like to expand this further, I think it’s really exciting how much I could build upon this with different categories, rooms, and buildings. I also really wanted to create my own pixel art in every scene, but didn’t have time right now, but I definitely want to come back to this to flesh it out.